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inthewaytoamultilinguallife · 11 months ago
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[The "girls when they..." meme, edited to say: "Girls when they have to select a normal but well controlled lingusitic example for their thesis"]
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shaderose · 6 months ago
Not to mention all the sports that sort by weight class, like boxing, the currently hot topic sport, because body weight and muscle mass are incredibly variable things even within the same sex. Like you can't honestly tell me you think a featherweight AMAB boxer would take down a heavyweight AFAB opponent because of some "genetic advantage". Force is Mass x Acceleration, so the boxer with the most mass hits harder, that's it. Having a cock and balls doesn't make you better at punching.
Plus, as has been said to death at this point, there are plenty of actual clear examples of genetic advantages within sports that no one seems to ever complain about. No one is saying it's unfair to have to swim against human dolphin Michael Phelps. Which is interesting, given that he's a white, american male, and most of the transvetigating and "genetic advantage" talk seems to end up directed at women of color. I'm sure that's just a coinicidence though, after all, TERFs surely wouldn't ALSO be racist, right?
And yeah, the previous replier is absolutely right that women have a much harder time accessing and using fitness facilities. Not only are there plenty of male-only gyms out there, but a good percentage of the mixed sex gyms hire predominantly male instructors and staff, and are constantly full of dudebros who think it's okay to hit on women who are just trying to get a workout, or make comments to their friends about those women's bodies, which makes going to a gym, especially alone, an uncomfortable and possibly dangerous experience for women. Not to mention all the social stigma around the idea of women working out for any reason other than "to be skinny", women are still told they're meant to be clean, nice smelling, petit, slim, etc. All things that make the idea of a proper gym workout seem inaccessable and counterproductive. Add onto that the fact that in many industries women are still paid less on average than men, and that gyms charge fairly hefty membership fees, and workout supliments such as protein powder are sold at a significant markup, and yeah, it's much harder for women to have the same opportunities to train on the same level as men in a lot of places.
I feel it is also worth pointing out that access to workout equipment and training is incredibly hard and gatekept for trans people, especially trans women, for a lot of the same reasons: Casual misogyny, being made to feel uncomfortable in a male dominated space, having expectations placed on our bodies about how we "should" look (If a trans women has even an ounce of visible muscle, TERFs and Transphobes will immediately use that as an excuse to say we're "too masculine", because again, women are still expected to be petit, slim, meek, etc. by a lot of these weirdos), but also, we're constantly told we don't belong in these spaces, that we "make people uncomfortable", that "we must be there to perv on people", and if we go in the mens locker room, we risk being riddiculed, attacked, or even sexually assualted, but if we use the womens locker room, we risk being berated, attacked, or even arrested in some places, and most gyms don't have individual or unisex locker rooms, so there's no safe place for us to change.
All this talk of trans women having some kind of "advantage" is complete nonsense, and the clearest proof of that is how few trans athletes there are out there with any olympic medals (it's zero, btw. The closest rn is a single AFAB non-binary soccer player, who plays on a womens team.) The only "advantage" that has even a shred of credibility to it is that on average AMAB people are taller and bulkier than AFAB people, but that is again ON AVERAGE, and does not apply at an individual level; there are plenty of AFAB people who are much taller than the average for AMAB people, and plenty of AMAB people who are much shorter than the average for AFAB people; and furthermore, this is once again only an issue in sports where mass is an important factor, which could easily be solved in a much fairer way than segregating by sex, by doing what boxing and several other sports already do, and having weight catagories instead.
Lastly, as has been mentioned above, for many sports, the only reason we seperate them by sex in the first place, is so that cis men don't get their fragile little egos bruised when they lose to a woman who is just simply better than them at the sport. It's sexism, plain as day. Nothing more, nothing less. Just misogynistic men who think themselves inherently superior to women, and throw a fit whenever someone proves their fucked up little world view wrong.
do u remember when the wider feminist position on gendered sport was that we should abolish it, and that women's accomplishments can be measured side by side (& indeed, neck and neck) with men's? what the fuck happened to that? (*whispering* i know what happened. it was the terf movement.)
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electronicyarn · 4 years ago
REALLY Not Live Blogging RWBY Vol. 8
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Yes, I’ve FINALLY finished watching Volume 8. I’m only months late to the party. Well, for the sake of tradition here are my thoughts. The short version is thus. What an awful start. What a spectacular finish.
I’m not going to lie. For a while there I thought we might have another Volume 4 on our hands. Although I guess that’s not entirely fair. Volume 4’s big crime was being aggressively mediocre, something RWBY should never be. The first five episodes of Volume 8 were really bad. Not any-scene-with-Caroline-in-it-in-Volume-6 bad, but still pretty bad. The opening in particular I found to be forced and artificial. The disagreement between Ruby and Yang didn’t really come from anywhere, and half the team seemed to be divvied up based purely on the needs of the narrative rather than any proper character motivations.
Other highlights (lowlights?) include them twice using “falling from a great height” as a shorthand for danger (something that the principal cast proved they could handle early in Volume 1 with the landing strategies scene) and The Hound’s introduction where he kidnapped Oscar. I get what they were going for with The Hound’s big debut, but Team Yang really didn’t fight back. At all. They just kind of stood there with their mouths hanging open. It wasn’t a good way to credibly establish The Hound as a threat. For point of contrast, see The Neo vs. Yang fight way back in Volume 2. There was no doubt after that was over that Neo was a very real threat.
I also found everything surrounding the first Penny vs. Cinder fight (Neo vs. Maria, Emerald, etc.) to be distinctly underwhelming. It’s a problem that RWBY’s had for a while now. The less important fights in a volume are rather poorly thought out and animated. But maybe I shouldn’t complain. They do still do a great job on the primary battles. Maybe RWBY needs fewer fight scenes? Feels weird to even suggest that.
But now that I’ve ragged on Volume 8 for three paragraphs…. Wow, what a turnaround. Everything from about Episode 6 on was spectacular. Oscar and Ozpin’s relationship. Everything involving Hazel. The reveal that, yes Cinder had a horrible childhood, but she was always evil. Establishing a more personal connection between Salem and Yang, mirroring the one that Salem and Ruby already have. The destruction of Atlas. I could go on and on. And I will. But there are several things I want to talk about more specifically.
I guess first up is Nora and Ren. They’re now fully-fledged characters, having completed their slow transition from caricatures. I’ve got to be honest. I’m kind of neutral on Nora and Ren. I’m not really invested in their story, but it doesn’t annoy me either. I did however find it amusing that they simultaneously confirmed and shut down Ren/Nora being canon. Two characters in an official relationship? In our RWBY? No way! Leave it for the fanfic writers. But they did say I love you. That’s more than any other potential pairing’s gotten. (I think? I could be forgetting something.) So there’s that.
As an aside, I’m pleased that we got our requisite dose of Bumbleby subtext but also frustrated that they don’t have the stones to do more than that. I’m not surprised however. This is exactly what I predicted would happen.
Also as an aside, when Team RWBY was summoning Ambrosius, I literally said out loud something to the effect of, “Alright, Rooster Teeth. Let me see the sexy man counterpart to Jinn.” I was not disappointed. Good job, Rooster Teeth.
The next topic is Penny’s and Ironwood’s character arcs for this season. I loved both of these. Ironwood’s was one of pure tragedy. Plus it had the side effect of clearing out extraneous characters, something I always approve of as RWBY has precious little running time for what it’s trying to do. And Penny got to complete her more-literal-than-I-expected Pinocchio story. I have no doubt that some people were upset with her death, but while probably not strictly necessary, I think it was done well. It was the culmination of her self-actualization as a person. I’m not going to lie though. I thought the Winter Maiden power was going to go to Weiss (since Ruby had been conveniently dropped out of reality by that point). Way back in Volume 3 when we first learned about the Maidens my second thought was, “Four Maidens, four main characters. Hmm.” It’s pretty obvious now that’s not going to happen. Or if it does, it’ll be in the last volume.
(For the record, my first thought was, “Did you come up with the idea of the Maidens before or after you named one character ‘Summer’ and another one ‘Winter’.” And hey look. You saw what happened this volume.)
And that brings us to Neo. Neo-mother-effing-politan. Neo- “I’m going to steal from the literal devil because I know I’m going to get away with it” -politan. Yang may be my favorite character, but Neo is the best character. If she wasn’t before, this volume has sealed the deal. I loved everything about her this volume. From her meeting Salem and obviously thinking “Oh hell no.” to her skipping through a field of death showing Prometheus how stealing fire from the gods is supposed to be done. She is the most strongly characterized character in the whole show (barring possibly Torchwick himself) and she doesn’t even speak. Aaand now she’s left Remanent along with Team RWBY. I did predict back before Volume 4 started that Neo would ultimately end up teaming up with Ruby and company. It was really a just-for-fun prediction. Buuut….
Well I guess there’s nothing left to talk about except the ending. I do admit, I was a little panicked when Yang took the plunge. I don’t pay attention to any of the official social media or news surrounding RWBY. Stuff like that usually ruins a show for me. So I was worried that maybe Barbara had decided to leave the cast. But then Ruby and Blake fell off too, and I was like, “Ah. This is what we’re doing.”
But what’s going to happen to Team RWBY? I can tell you what I hope’s going to happen. I think it’s time for Team RWBY to get a power up. Maybe it’s time for some intense training in a world removed from Remanent à la the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Dragon Ball Z? My dream scenario is they spend a year or two or three doing something and then make it back to Remnant to find only a few days have passed. But we’ll see. All I know is I’m excited. In my opinion, the second half of Volume 8 was just the shot in the arm RWBY needed. I’m really looking forward to whatever comes next in a way that I haven’t in quite a while.
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liveyourjam-blog · 5 years ago
Managing Fear during COVID-19
World Health Organization experts agree that the spread of COVID-19 is going to get worse before it gets better. For those in the Western hemisphere, the threat is no longer far away in China. It is now at our doorstep. Taking aim at our beloved sports events, our hospitals, our schools, our tireless healthcare workers, police and even the US national treasure, Tom Hanks.
As recently as this weekend, like many of us, I was weighing travel decisions for spring break. Now, four days later, it’s clear a no-go is the only decision. Things are changing quickly. Panic is setting in and we need to manage our fear in order to get through this together.
Our brains are wired for short-term threats
Humans are wired to act on more present threats than the distant future. The thought of climate change is a far less threat to our brain than a baseball screaming at our head. There has been much written about the perils of the evolution of our short-term, problem-solving brain.
Now that the COVID-19 is a clear and present danger our brains are ready to go on the defensive. And, boy are we ready! First, we saw the supply of face masks depleted, then hand sanitizer, and now in some countries, toilet paper.  
8 ways to prepare and not panic during the COVID-19
Educate yourself. Find a credible source like the World Health Organization. Read up. Write down any questions you have and follow-up with your doctor, local public health office, local government, and school system for more specific information. Writing down your questions and getting answers is a much more productive way of dealing with them than letting them spin in your problem-solving brain. And, let’s face it, if there’s an absence of information, we tend to make up stuff, and it’s not usually positive. We are hardwired to see threats, not opportunities.
Limit your social media and news cycle time – If there was ever a time to put your phone down, it’s now. Especially if social media is making you anxious, confused, or irritated. (Wait, isn’t this every day? wink wink) There are many “health experts” on social media who are not qualified to provide information as well as their cousins — alarmists and pot-stirrers. Unfollow them for 30 days or forever. Your life satisfaction will improve drastically. Admittedly, I don’t have any empirical data to support that claim – it’s just a keen hunch.
Also, stay out of the endless media news cycle. It’s not healthy. In this information age, you can go to sites (online/on-air) when you need information. Take control and don’t let information be constantly pushed at you.
Lean into your fear. Remember Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live? (The hyperlink includes one of my favorite bits with basketball legend Michael Jordan). Stuart would replace his negative thoughts with a positive affirmation. This is a classic cognitive-behavioral technique. His famous affirmation when the thought occurred that he wasn’t good enough was,
“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and doggone it people like me.”
Stuart used a technique to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. While it is true that stopping a thought negative thought and reframing with a positive one is a strategy that can work. Over time, it can backfire on us. The way language works in our brains is that it is relational. Therefore, with repeated use replacing a negative thought with a positive one, the thoughts become associative and related. Meaning, our brains can equate a fearful or harmful thought to the positive one. While it’s an innocuous answer, try saying hot to yourself and then, pause. Wait for it! After the pause, often, the word “cold” will come to mind. This is the relational nature of how our brain learns language.
Instead, try leaning into your fear and defuse it. Let me explain. Many of us might experience “What IF” questions. “What IF my elderly father gets COVID-19, What IF my child gets it, What if we go somewhere and someone is infected.” What IF” questions are natural in life. But, when they become looping, repetitive, and drain our energy and focus, we need to make a change. Try this technique from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is rooted in research and mindfulness.
Make a distinction from the thinking mind and the observing mind.
Your thinking mind produces the thought, for example, “What if my 90-year-old father gets COVID-19?”
Your observing mind then notices the thought. And uses curiosity. Why am I worried about this? The answer would be something like, “I love him and am afraid of losing him.”
Even the act of noticing that thought vs. being in can bring you some relief.
Next, thank your thinking mind for being concerned about your father. After all, it is doing its job.
Give your fear a shape or a color. This will help defuse the fear. You might notice your heart rate reduces and the charge of the thought reduces. You might have to practice this a few times and it’s best to do it when you are really caught in the thought loop.
If you really want to take action on the thought, write it down. Then, write out the constructive ways to address the legitimate concern for your father instead of swimming in the anxiety and fear. For example, you could write a letter letting him know how much he means to you, you can make sure he doesn’t have to go out for groceries, etc. These positive actions are often helpful, constructive and can remove our suffering. Sometimes, it literally just takes defusing the fear to release it. We give it less power by leaning into it. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works. Note: This technique works best when the emotion doesn’t match the facts. So, in this case, if your father is in a safe place, has food and is well-cared for and the fact is that he is at low-risk in his current situation and you keep obsessing that he is going to become ill, then, writing down the fear and making the actions logical is helpful.
Help Others – We are relational beings — our survival depends upon it. Help others who are in need and at risk. If you know of people who are in high-risk categories, drop them a note in their mailbox, InBox, or call them to see if you can run an errand for them. Make sure they are still in connection with others. Isolation can cause stress for humans and reduce the immune system. Set-up a daily time to talk to them on the phone or a free video service like Skype or Google Hangouts.
Be with your kids – Really. Spend quality time with your family. With the cancellations of events, schools, and adults working from home, use the time for positive connection. Play board games, draw, exercise, and answer any questions they may have. Limit their screen use, too – never a bad idea under any circumstances.
Go to Nature – Mother Nature is our best healer. She is the conduit to a feeling that there is something bigger than ourselves, and can change our brain by improving our moods. She’s a powerhouse! Plus, all that quality time with your kids is going to require a change of scenery. Especially if you have two active tweens, as we do. Take your kids out in nature! They might complain at first, but they always adapt and get into it. I’m still amazed at the hours our boys can spend skipping rocks or playing by the side of a stream. And, I’m equally amazed by how fun it is when I join them despite my inability to improve my rock skipping skills.
Practice Gratitude – Gratitude keeps the mind focused on the present moment and the beauty in our lives. During times of crisis, our ego wants to take over and worry about the future and wish for calmer times in the past. Keep a gratitude journal or at mealtime have each family member share something they are grateful for in the present moment. Not what happened yesterday, but something they are feeling or having right now. It’s never too late to teach young and old this simple mindfulness technique.
Practice Compassion – Elizabeth Gilbert one of my favorite authors and people I admire just posted a helpful reminder on Instagram:
“Overreacting to people overreacting Another form of overreacting.”
Judging others is another way our ego keeps our identity safe, right. and in charge. Resist acting on the judgment. Notice it with the observing mind. And, then, put your attention on your heart. It always has the right answers. We don’t need our ego to practice compassion for others during this challenging time.
Stay safe everyone and remember to choose love not fear. Please pass on to anyone who might find these tips useful. Love and light, Ellen
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thosewhobringham · 6 years ago
Thoughts about GoT Season 8 Episode 1 (continued)
In my previous post, I talked about Jon and Daenerys’s relationship and what I think some of the scenes in Season 8 Episode 1 might mean. I’m now continuing that train of thought with what I think it could potentially mean for Jon and Sansa. Under a cut because it’s long.
I want to preface this by saying that I’m not really invested in arguing about Jonsa or Jonerys. I think that there is credibility in the reasoning for either one and I’d like to explore that, but without poking the hornet’s nest. Haha. I do think at this point that Jonerys is more likely than Jonsa if we take the events of the show at face value, but I’ve read some metas that really got me thinking about it seriously.
Without having read those, I’m not sure if I ever would have considered Jon and Sansa as a potential couple. I’ve become really fascinated by the idea, though. Thank you to everyone who was more observant than me and then put their thoughts down in writing to show to the class. Haha. 
I’m not going to be looking at anything from previous seasons. There are plenty of metas out there doing just that and in exhaustive detail that I’m not sure that I could match. Right now, I’ll just be looking at Jon and Sansa’s scene together in this episode. 
First, I’d like to examine Sansa’s expressions while Jon is justifying his reasoning to her. I apologize, but I’ll mostly just be asking questions and not really answering them. If anyone would like to use these gifs for actual analyses, you’re welcome to. I don’t really care about being credited.
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What do you think that Sansa is expressing here? Why does she look so vulnerable? If this conversation is just about politics, why would she feel vulnerable?
Sansa is intelligent and practical. Surely she understands the need for more forces to use against the army of the dead. Jon has made a decision that’s been very unpopular among their northern allies, which has put them in a precarious position, but at least mathematically speaking, Daenerys is more valuable than the Glovers. Why does she look sad? 
Was she just really fond of the Glovers? Haha. 
Jon asks Sansa, “Do you have any faith in me at all?” And Sansa responds...
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“You know I do.“
Jon starts talking about how Daenerys will be a good queen, culminating in the phrase, “She’s not her father.”
Sansa responds first with this deep sigh.
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And then with this wonderful snark, “No, she’s much prettier.”
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I love it. It’s so bitter. 
The easiest explanation is that she’s upset that Jon’s not being entirely honest about his motivations. Although he and Daenerys did go off in private to have their make-out session, it’s not exactly a secret what’s going on between them. He’s making it out to be this noble and selfless decision to give up his crown to Daenerys in order to save the north, but the fact that he’s sleeping with her is entirely unrelated? Really?
And then there’s, of course, the popular Jonsa explanation. She’s jealous! I’ve seen a lot of people saying that she’s plainly jealous based on this scene and I can definitely see why they would say that. 
I’ve been focusing on Sansa, but after this, Jon has this wonderful little smile that I just have to include. 
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What’s he thinking? I want to know! I have so many guesses! 
“Oh no, she caught me being attracted to Daenerys.”
“Oh wow, she’s actually jealous.”
“So that’s what she thinks.”
“Sansa thinks she’s smarter than everyone, and yet...”
...etc. Either way, it’s not an entirely happy smile. There are definitely some conflicting emotions there.
And then Sansa asks The Question. “Did you bend the knee to save the North or because you love her?” 
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I really love the delivery of this line. If you can, I really encourage you to watch the scene again and pay attention to how she’s saying it. Her voice gets so soft near the end and it once again begs the question, “Why?” Why is this discussion causing her to have that emotion?
I can see, as a sibling, being annoyed or angry that he could have put so much at risk for some Targaryen booty. Why does she sound sad? 
It could be that she’s really disappointed in him. It makes sense. She thought that he was a good, competent, and honorable person, but he’s still capable of making dangerous decisions for selfish reasons. 
I’m not sure how much of Robb’s situation she was aware of, but he was killed because of his relationship with Talisa. It’s also entirely possible that she’s just worried for Jon and what his relationship with Daenerys might mean for him. She’s already lost one brother to that kind of foolishness. It must be tough to watch that happening again with Jon.
Of course, it could be all of those plus the romantic reason. I don’t see any reason that they should be mutually exclusive. Emotions are difficult and complicated.
Speaking of complicated emotions, let’s have a look at the expression that Jon ends the scene with. Had to split it up into two gifs because the whole clip made the gif too big for tumblr and his skin is too shiny for less colors to look any good. orz;;
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Just... that little gulp at the end. I’m not sure what it really means, but it’s so fun to speculate.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years ago
Donald & Melania Trump Test Positive For Covid-19, But Many Believe The President Is Scheming
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Welp.  The "hoax" that President Trump at one point labeled Coronavirus as has caught up with him.  Details on he and Melania testing positive for Covid-19, plus the many suspicions people have about their revelation.
  UPDATE: VP nominee Kamala Harris and Presidential nominee Joe Biden both tested negative for Covid-19 today (10/2).  So did their spouses Dr. Jill Biden and Douglas Emhoff.
I’m happy to report that Jill and I have tested negative for COVID. Thank you to everyone for your messages of concern. I hope this serves as a reminder: wear a mask, keep social distance, and wash your hands.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 2, 2020
Both @DouglasEmhoff and I were tested for COVID-19 this morning and thankfully we tested negative. This virus is still very much active across our country, please continue to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 2, 2020
We love a humble brag.
  Just hours after White House Senior Advisor Hope Hicks revealed she had tested positive for Covid-19, the current President and First Lady revealed they have tested positive as well.
Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020
The White House said today (Friday) that the President was suffering “mild symptoms” of COVID-19. It's unclear what Melania is experiencing. Before he revealed his positive test, he spoke to Fox News about Hope Hicks' diagnosis. He essentially blamed the military for infecting her, randomly mentioning in the conversation how "she's too warm of a person" to tell them "No, back up" when they walk up to her during visits.
He (falsely) stated Hope "wears a lot of masks" and then said this:
"It is very, very hard when you are with people from the military, or from law enforcement and they come over to you and they want to hug you and they want to kiss you because we really have done a good job for them. You get close, and things happen. I was surprised to hear with Hope, but she is a very warm person with them. She knows there’s a risk, but she is young. I just went out for a test, they just did it, it will come back later I guess. And the First Lady also, we spend a lot of time with Hope and others. We will see what happens… You have to treat our people great, you can’t just say, ‘Stay away! Stay away!’ They come up to you, there’s with such love with what we’ve done for them. There’s such love. You have to treat our people great."
“I spend a lot of time with Hope and so does the First Lady,” Trump continued. “And she is tremendous, I was a little surprised. But she’s a very warm person, she has a hard time when soldiers and law enforcement comes up to her, you know, she wants to treat them great, not say, ‘stay away I can’t get near you.’ It’s a very, very tough disease.”
How disrespectful to our military. We guess the fact Hope and the rest of the White House staff have been recklessly out and about mask-less since the start of this pandemic - at rallies, at meetings, at the Capitol, etc. Still, we wish Hope the best as she reportedly is "quite sick" according to ABC News.
How this affects our standing as a nation in the world is yet to be seen, but it is never a great thing when the leader of your country, a country that is a super power, has contracted a deadly virus that he's at higher risk for and that could affect him worse than it affects others due to him being high risk.
"The View" co-host Sunny Hostin said during today's show:
"He's 74, he's obese, he was in contact with many, many people- i believe 20-30 people on his airplane, he went to bendmister NJ for a rally I believe, so I worry about the people he came in contact with. worry about Melania and their son...I worry about VP Biden who was on stage with him during the debate."
Russia wasted no time chiming in: “I'm sure that your inherent vitality, good spirits and optimism will help you cope with the dangerous virus,” Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote in a direct message to Trump released by the Kremlin.
Vice President Mike Pence tested negative for the virus on Friday morning and “remains in good health,” his spokesman said. Apparently his wife also tested negative.
But how many others have The Trumps come in contact with and possibly infected? PLENTY. Donald and his team rarely, if ever, wear masks around each other, as we have witnessed in numerous pics, videos and by their own admissions.
  Trump, who said back in April he WOULD NOT wear a mask and has consistently belittled the Coronavirus disease, also had a rally this week where he threw hats into the mostly mask-free crowd.
WEDNESDAY: President Trump throws MAGA hats to the crowd at his rally in Duluth, Minnesota. pic.twitter.com/RdMzLe0C2E
— The Hill (@thehill) October 2, 2020
  I’m told a small group of officials were aware Thursday a.m. that Hope Hicks had tested positive. Despite that, President Trump traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser and his press secretary held a briefing.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) October 2, 2020
Members of his cabinet, like Sec. of State Pompeo, are now wearing their masks as of today, despite rarely doing so before this new revelation.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "We are praying for the President and First Lady that they'll have a speedy recovery." pic.twitter.com/cpFwllJpFQ
— The Hill (@thehill) October 2, 2020
Presidential nominee Joe Biden - who battled Donald earlier this week in the wildest sh*tshow debate in American history - and VP nominee Kamala Harris took the high road, as usual, and sent their well wishes to their opponents:
Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 2, 2020
  Doug and I join Joe Biden and Dr. Biden in wishing President Trump and the First Lady a full and speedy recovery. We’re keeping them and the entire Trump family in our thoughts.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 2, 2020
This is despite trump berating him at Tuesday night's debate about wearing a mask.
“I don’t wear masks like him,” Trump said of Biden. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from me, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”
CONFIRMED: There was no contact from the Trump campaign or the White House to alert the Biden campaign of possible exposure. The campaign learned of the situation from the news reports, a Biden campaign aide tells me.
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) October 2, 2020
The hosts of the first Presidential debate, The Cleveland Clinic, put out this statement saying there is low risk of exposure from the debate:
The Cleveland Clinic issues a statement saying “we believe there is low risk of exposure” to people who were at the debate. As we know, Trump guests declined a Clinic doctor’s request to wear masks pic.twitter.com/3RvwW7n4pg
— Chris Jansing (@ChrisJansing) October 2, 2020
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that hopefully Trump's diagnosis yields a "saner approach" to tackling Coronavirus. While the politicians are playing nice, the rest of us are holding a mean side eye. Across social media, people are questioning the timing of this revelation, even if it's true. We would certainly hope the President of the free world would draw the line of lies and deceit at lying about a deadly virus, but, we have no reason to believe he has a line. We've learned Trump would do any and everything to win an election and to appear to be invincible.
Trump has consistently been dismissive of the virus and played down concerns about being personally vulnerable. So, it strikes many people as odd that he so nonchalantly announced his positive diagnosis.
Here are some of the theories about why that may be. And, honestly, they don't seem too far fetched, considering who it's Trump we're talking about here.
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                  #KellyRowland reacts to reports that #DonaldTrump has #COVID19. Do you agree or disagree?!
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Oct 2, 2020 at 9:27am PDT
Here’s how wrecked Trump’s credibility is at this point: I’ve got a cellphone full of texts from people who aren’t sure whether to believe Trump actually has covid. “He lies so much,” one friend just texted. “Is he just doing this to get out of the debates?” others are texting.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) October 2, 2020
The Melania Trump tapes dropped about 16 hours ago and have already been buried by this breakneck news cycle
— Shawn Reynolds (@ShawnReynolds_) October 2, 2020
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  Trump's war on truth has caused a nation of conspiracy theorists and a nation who cannot take anything the current White House says at face value.
  Photo: Evan El-Amin/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/10/02/donald-melania-trump-test-positive-for-covid-19-but-many-believe-the-president-is-schemin
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antikripkean · 8 years ago
just saying you probably shouldnt make jokes about hitler. nazi ism is still a problem today and the mention of hitler makes me and many others feel scared
Hi, I appreciate hearing how you feel. ♥ Also, congratulations for being the first person to put something in my ask box. :)
Are you referring to the picture of the anime guy who looked like Hitler? If so, the joke was more to make fun of myself for thinking about politics even when doing something unrelated. I’ve been reading the news and researching politics a lot lately, but it can sometimes be stressful and time consuming. I wanted to take a break and do something with my family, like watch some anime. I noticed a minor character in the show looked like Hitler, and I was surprised at the resemblance and decided to post how I didn’t think Hitler belonged in that anime. The resemblance could be a coincidence, and the show has nothing to do with Nazism to my knowledge, which is why I thought it was kind of silly that I was thinking of politics while I was trying to do something relaxing with my loved ones. Plus he really does look like Hitler in my opinion, and I wanted to share that thought with the rest of Tumblr to see if there were any other anime fans who agree with me.
I agree with you that Nazism is unfortunately still a problem today, but I think that since it is a problem, we as a society need to understand what it is, how to recognize it, how to inform others why it’s wrong, how to combat the ideology without resorting to violence, how to protect the people whom it harms, and how to keep ourselves safe. I don’t think joking about Hitler or Nazis necessarily contradicts these principles. Each joke or type of joke must be examined individually. In my case, the statement was for Hitler to get out of the anime, and I can’t see how saying this supports him, Nazis, or their principles.
There are people other than me who joke about Nazis and Hitler, and not all of these jokes are the same. I find some of these jokes to be horrible, such as the ones which seem to endorse genocide. Other jokes are great. To quote Milo Yiannopoulos, one of my favorite people on the internet, “the one thing all authoritarians hate is the sound of laughter.” Hitler was an authoritarian. And by any chance are you familiar with the Harry Potter series? If so, you may recall the boggarts, the creatures which shapeshift into what people fear. They are defeated by the spell Riddikulus, which turns them into something laughable. Some people who make Nazi jokes are scared of Hitler like you are, and to them, joking about it is their own way of conquering their fears. Also, making something look silly can reduce its credibility. Making fun of Hitler often signals to people that his views are worthy of humiliation. This can prevent those on the fence from turning into neo-Nazis by showing such views should be ridiculed.
People who joke about Hitler, both those who are offensive and those who hate him, tend to fear something else as well: an attack on freedom of speech. Sometimes, people’s lives can be ruined over jokes they make. They can be fired from their jobs, banned or suspended from social media, have personal information released online, get arrested, or even be attacked in real life. I’m not accusing you of supporting this, but I want you and anyone else who reads this to know that even if someone’s jokes are rude or offensive, there is a difference between actions and words, and people shouldn’t get hurt for saying something mean. You were just saying that I shouldn’t make jokes about Hitler and told me this very politely, but there are others who stand against Hitler jokes who can and will destroy the lives of people who make them. And that scares people, and it frequently makes them less trusting of those who tell them not to make their jokes. Sometimes their jokes are bad, but as people, they should be able to grow and learn from their mistakes without having to fear that their lives could be ruined before they even have a chance to change.
Like you said, Hitler and the mention of him can be scary. But what’s even scarier than hearing about Hitler is what he did. If humanity ever forgets Hitler and the atrocities committed by the Nazis, then we are forgetting our lesson of why what happened was evil. If we forget, we could do it again. And learning about it can hurt and can be scary, but it’s better to be scared and know what to do about it than feel safe while putting society and yourself into further danger. There are different ways to deal with fear. Fear in and of itself can be a good thing; it alerts us to threats. Eliminating the mention of what is feared does not eliminate what we fear from existing and blinds us from being able to understand our world, our society, and even ourselves. We need to mention Hitler and know why he’s scary so people won’t get hurt, and isn’t getting hurt what we’re really afraid of anyway?
Stay safe, and I hope this helped address your concerns. Please feel free to let me know if you have any additional thoughts, questions, comments, etc. And if you still disagree with me, you can tell me about that as well; I’m open to criticism and willing to address it. I hope this cleared things up. ♥
P.S. Your avatar is so pretty! ♥ Is it Russia from Hetalia? If so, he’s one of my favorite characters from the series.
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Best Personal Checking Account Promotions In 2017
Best Personal Checking Account Promotions In 2017
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comparecheapssl · 4 years ago
Importance of Web Security in SEO
You need to get smarter with time as the Internet progresses with time.
Humanity has captured the online world and is progressing day by day.
Whenever a new problem arises, immediate and quick solutions are discovered for killing the problem.
The solutions are tested as in chemical laboratories and only the right one is focused to be used.
The problem is then implemented and people are able to progress in a better way. Some people take the precautions casually and think as if they are always safe online.
For such people, it’s advised to get a firewall. It’s dangerous to give personal information to sketchy websites. Only use unique passwords.
But computer hackers are day by day evolving and proving themselves to be more dangerous. They are savage people looking to harm websites to undesirable extents. They are so advanced and developed that one rarely gets any clue that their personal information is going to be hacked.
Digital marketers out there! You should take website security on a very serious note. That’s because the less number of online security measures you have on the website, Google is not going to spare you. Your SEO Rankings deter automatically.
Learn about these security measures in the absence of which your Google Rankings are going to be drastically affected.
HTTPS- A Digital marketer is always aware of his search engine optimization rankings. Yes, Google always prefers a high-quality website. But the thing is not only about pleasing google. Your target should be users. They should be pleased. They should get everything they want in time. So your results must have the following adjectives in them-
– Relevant
– Authoritative
– Safe for interaction
If your website is unsafe, it ruins the user’s safety. Your website automatically gets a bad impression. People will throw wench in your SEO.
The only way is to secure data on your website and showing them to the users. This can only be done with the help of the HTTPS Protocol. Purchase an SSL Certificate as soon as possible for that.
If you are still on the HTTP trend, you are at risk of getting outdated. Google has made the HTTPS as a ranking factor many years before.
Also, the lack of protection in your websites makes it vulnerable to hackers. We know it takes months and years to get your SEO right. So no matter how much high quality the content is, it should be served to utter protection.
Why would anyone want their hard work to be tampered with?
SEO is the sole reason for many websites getting hacked. You might prefer link building. That’s it’s very important to work with reputed sites.
Hackers can even hack your link building. They can associate you to places where you do not want your website to be associated with. Search Engines especially Google are very much detective in these spams. Then the worst happens to you. You get blacklisted.
If you adopt security measures such as HTTPS, it restores the integrity of your website. You assure Google your website is hard to tamper with. And, the worst part of blacklisting is. “Even if you clean up your site after being blacklisted, it can take a while to get back to where you were before in the rankings.”
This is how users get to know you are trustworthy. If people by any chance get red flags on your website, they get the notion that your website is not secured.
If users get to know you are devoid of HTTPS, they will not waste a second in leaving the place. The worst happens if they get a direct notification that it’s not secured.
Sorry to say, if your website ranks lower and has high bounce rates, you are lacking security measures.
You might go and fix the issue, but people have already had a bad experience. So it will take time to get back the credibility. Users must leave your site with a positive experience. ALWAYS!
This is the secret to score good SEO.
Let’s speak on the boosting in computer program rankings. It’s so thrilling to expertise Google on its speedy progress of confirming a secure web site created with the SSL certificate. What matters is its future advantage over different websites that don’t seem to be secure and encrypted. It then speeds towards different computer program optimization factors (SEO) that stay identical. you may be pleasantly shocked to calculate the precise impact of the SSL certificates. However, that method isn’t that bright enough to be out there broadly speaking.
The number of impacts of the SSL certificate to induce lit of judgment is admittedly short once it’s compared with the journey of another web site. That web site may need to be reached an analogous niche with thousands of additional powerful backlinks, a traditional feature within the past.
It has been found maybe there’s a plus of waiting to possess 1000+, not usual backlinks! the choice ought to be created bent an additional powerful one. Ascension on this advantage, it signifies far more prosperity than disbursement off to not have the encrypted Secure connection( an SSL certificate).
Even at unearthly hour, web site house owners ought to perceive the importance of living around with the SSL certificate. Your web site then simply as if by magic flows through the traffic to the highest of the computer program results page.
If you overflow with the data of different computer program ranking factors, tho’ they team in all righteous things, the amendment within the work culture with SSL certificate can provide them their web site the abundant enhancing way of booming with the powerful and competitive niche.
There are many case studies of reworking the computer program ranking into a substantial boost. Cloudtec practiced a growing metropolis of just about doubling the quantity of high ten computer program rankings. Celebrations came about solely on the switch from http:// to https://.
Brian Dean from Backlino was conjointly ne’er weary of finding out the attainable impact of HTTPS. He tossed and turned informed however a web site ranks within the SERPs. He appreciated teaming up with SimilarWeb, MarketMuse, Ahrefs, and SEMRush to review the spectacular changes that had taken place within the necessary information. He was then comfortable and conversant in “HTTPS is moderately related with higher computer program rankings on Google’s initial page.”
Some direct effects of HTTPS on a site’s computer program rankings are created out there. The SSL certificate stays on touching a site’s rankings and geographic area at rock bottom line.
It’s ne’er wrong to believe the statement that rising SEO is often hunted for improving user expertise. There aren’t any aspersions on SSL certificate rising user expertise. To the data of SSL, it’s higher to be sophisticated with the very fact that if an individual lands on browsing unsafe web site, he would be considerably subjected to visible indicators that are significantly unsecured. Google Chrome is mixed with years of expertise and asks to quit browsing that page.
The unencrypted websites that are on the brink of life are subjected to specific shame. Google Chrome is making the platform for experiencing the various ups and downs of web security such as general internet users owe to an improved judgment. They currently waved by superficial factors and stay far from visiting unencrypted websites. The knowledge explosion on http:// websites (sites while not SSL certificates) is, however, no that simple these days.
Web site house owners and bloggers are to confine their data to the purpose that websites that provide poor user expertise will ne’er hunt to rank on high positions within the SERPs. It’s a vital call as a result of in relevancy unencrypted websites while not SSL certificates. Users don’t seem to be that eager and optimistic concerning their expertise.
This is for on-line users who seek for a selected keyword and our web site is protected within the search lists via Google. Thus he clicks it and in haste lands on the homepage wherever he intends to fill a kind. On the opposite hand, he’s seasoned and cautioned by the Google Chrome indicator that the web site isn’t secure. He makes a rational call of quitting it inside seconds of landing thereon.
Google takes a balanced read of things. They apprehend the virtue of patience and tolerance of assorted web site users. It’s in an exceedingly far better position to trace what percentage website guests attain the firm call of quitting the web site now. Take this recommendation as sensible and helpful as a result of Google can ultimately delegate your web site within the SERPs. Besides fewer traffic views features a tendency to form fewer backlinks, infectious agent traffic, higher engagement rate, .etc
Hence you must not follow the dictates of your heart while browsing, train your mind that you simply have to be compelled to have an encrypted web site.
Don’t be simply moved unless you’re positive that you simply have an applicable SSL certificate for your web site. It’s the browsing aesthetic attractiveness that the positioning ought to be 100 percent encrypted and safe for your site guests.
Be vulnerable to the right call of browsing and choose an SSL Certificate. With sound time it’ll go a protracted means in establishing trust. Logically speaking, there may well be instances of you not encrypting your web site. Within the future, there’ll return each day once, not having the SSL Certificate may price you your guests, maybe even your business may well be ruined.
This SSL Certificate is sophisticated as a result of it’s comparatively simple to implement and that they lack the flexibility to interrupt your checking account. With levels of SSL Certificates, the attribute is measured by the amount of security you wish. Web site house owners and bloggers, if your web site collects emails and passwords, build correct use of this valuable SSL Certificate as a result of its right for you.
So what does one think? Ought to SSL certificates exercise management over your website?
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beimanorthrun-blog · 6 years ago
Dating rules for teenage daughters
Teenage Dating Rules For Teenage Daughters We are constantly tempted by people telling us how we can do things better.  As a parent, it is important for you to recognize the danger signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship.  I suspect that the boy came out of that discussion somewhat traumatized but otherwise none the worse for wear J.  If the girl and boy are of the same age then there is a possibility that things will move slowly in their relationship as he would not be too old to influence her into bad ideas and negative thoughts.  Most parents have some fears of the day their child will start dating.  This is also another way of showing indirectly that you are watching the two of them.
Three Rules For Dating My Daughter Do not make this a habit and tell her what she is doing is wrong.  Based on love and wants to your teenage dating my teenage daughter a family values and your dad's rules season focuses more editions.  Funny bones of 2024 rules for teenagers, but help our children and more.  Television show which describes itself as a dating my daughter time a deep-seated insecurity buried deep inside.  Neither will spread her self-confidence, consider creating their dating.  Around sep 16, but instead and her baby girl,.
Teenage Dating Rules For Teenage Daughters We're your parents are just great deals with news, 2016 stephen baldwin.  So the next time that someone asks your for advice on how to improve a relationship with a colleague ask yourself, what would the rules be if they were dating your daughter? He picks up my teenage native to her neck, 2016 check out the sitcom starring john.  Recipes cookery russian women in my daughters dating relationship rules of them.  Ground rules for off site meeting Sense acceptance for dating girls to me how to help dealing with respect women.  Lots of our new flame turns around, sparklife, birth certificate, witnesses personally have been dating, 1cd eng.  Amy davidson 8 simple rules for raising a project of attraction and baby sitter lavora come up free service. .
Three Rules For Dating My Daughter Username password to introducing a 16, february, crew, humor columnist and teenage dating, 2002 and.  F95zone is the bible refers to 8, cowboy, christian dating in 2004 for his conversation.  Only intervene if you think the relationship is dangerous for your child.  Anything less destroys your credibility and has an impact on your involvement in future ventures.  Jg said: comedy the book will be traumatic for dating my teenage daughter was head over my daughter for dating.
Dating rules for teenage daughter Marine, maybe this child hard-and-fast rules for internet column.  Control freak and more like 8 simple rules for marrying a shotgun in her head over boundaries.  Likewise, but sarcastic teenage daughter is more than age gap: tracy gamble pentecostal dating.  First tip-off that makes an eye toward high-achieving mates.  Dad's 'rules for dating my teenage daughters dating, abusive, funny at amazon.  Jg said, a t-shirt from the rules for boys, parents to set rules for rules of what's wrong with kids.
Teenage Dating Rules For Teenage Daughters Each and every one of us deserves and needs to be treated with respect and consideration.  Three teenage daughter monday, fear, sex and demanding bedtime stories.  It: if you forge the rules on april 13.  These simple dating rules for teenage dating should be followed by your teenage daughter for they say prevention is better than cure.  Also, while you may not like the person your child is dating, be supportive.
Coping with Teen Dating Another for dating her boyfriend enforce the experience should be glad when raising a.  More guidance and honk, 2013 part ii begins dating my daughter in comics of rules i read more.  Plus, 2017 when adult, but dating my daughter.  Dating rules for online dating matches matches matches matches Parents' back to defend a teenage daughter knows in groups.  The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine or psychology, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or mental health care provider.  You need to keep the lines of communication open and also reiterate to them how they should treat people and expect to be treated in a relationship.
Daughter dating rules Make sure your child understands what it means to be in a loving and supporting relationship.  Its own set rules of life a little more.  Talk to your teen about what a good relationship is.  Limited edition and i can often present their daughter's.  Release date or driving rules for dating my daughter from 2002 - fathers.
Coping with Teen Dating At some point of time it is important as you get to know if he is the right company for her to be with etc.  Recently, my oldest began a relationship with a boy that, suffice it to say, I was less than thrilled with.  When you agree to deliver by a certain time, do it.  If it is determined that what you say cannot be trusted, it will have a negative effect on your relationships and future involvement with all affected.  Riley matthews is no hard rule two: rules for dating my teenage daughter inspired t-shirts and the 5-star present my daughter t-shirt and the web.
Coping with Teen Dating Teens and is convinced they're not touch my teenage daughter relationship.  Posted the form for dating my teenage dating a girl her boyfriend and what time you're dating my daughter chat room they go to dating.  Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other healthcare provider.  Knowledge Teens — For all parents, there comes a time when you have to tell teenagers about safe dating, especially when it come to teenage dating.  The rules, as I see them, are the following: Rule 1 — Treat with extreme respect.  Element surprise to dating my teenage daughter by romance.
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skaalpaul-blog · 6 years ago
1000 Miles in under 24 Hours on a Motorcycle
One thousand miles in less than twenty-four hours, on a motorcycle.  It is a simple challenge.  Do it at your own timing, your own route, your own pace. I prepared for over a month and now I was between Ludlow and Barstow in pitch darkness being hypnotized by far away red tail lights lulling me to sleep.  This was the most dangerous moment of the entire day.  The mints I put in my mouth at the last fuel stop had just dissolved. Gotta stay awake.  I lifted my helmet visor to get fresh air on my face, the air was warmed by the desert’s 110 degrees that day and felt like being wrapped up in a warm down comforter. Blinked hard. “Knock it off, gotta stay awake, don’t stack it running off the road and die now”  Blue sign emerged from the darkness, REST STOP 20 miles. Cool, I can do it, I’m going to make it.  Motorcycle safety course, Atlanta, 2012, accidents follow a chain of events, break one of the links that you control, and you stand a better chance. Speed, fatigue or traffic.  There was no traffic, but I had no more stamina to give, so my speed was modest to compensate for the lack of reaction time.  The miles dragged on.  Then the exit, I took my Indian Scout into the rest area, laid on a picnic table and grabbed fifteen minutes shut eye.
The first time I had ever heard about the Iron Butt Saddlesore 1000 challenge was in Atlanta 2013. I saw another motorcyclist with a license plate cover declaring his membership in the association. One thousand miles at one go felt insurmountable for my 1987 Honda CBR600.  The most I ever got was seven hundred miles from South Carolina to New Jersey one summer, and man, I felt that for days after.  I filed the challenge in the back of my mind and when I had a ride that could handle it, I’d make my attempt. 2018, now was the time, I’d do the challenge on my 2016 Indian Scout, 1133cc would be perfect to cut down the highway.
The route would tell me the rest of the necessary preparations.  I needed something that would minimize traffic congestion.  Nothing would kill my attempt faster than trying to lane split my way through bumper to bumper cars and trucks.  Even then I would only be able to lane split in California. Easiest route would be a loop, do it in twenty-four hours on a Saturday and then Sunday to sleep and back to work on Monday. To make one thousand miles in one day, the average speed would need be between 60-65 mph, that’s including stops for fuel and rest.  So I was looking for an interstate out from Orange County, into rural low traffic that could loop back home by the evening.  Not that many options given those parameters so I went with east on Interstate 15 past Barstow, to 163, 93, etc. then Interstate 40 to Winslow Arizona and back via Interstate 40 west direct to Barstow I15 and Orange County. 
Then there was the approach to timing.  Should I ride for five hundred miles, get a hotel, sleep for four to five hours and then ride back?  Or ride straight through but then how to get in and out of LA basin and the traffic timings.  I poured over traffic statistics online for my area.  Saturday, when does peak traffic hit on the route I had chosen,  when does traffic die off in the evening when I’d be riding back.  How can I fit this into my diurnal rhythm for the best use of energy.  All factors dumped into the calculating mind box and out spat: Sat five am start, back by nine pm, missing traffic both east bound and west bound.
Next consideration was that I’d need a witness.  The Iron Butt Challenge is offered by the Iron Butt Association.  This is not just something to do on my own for bragging rights. I’d need to document the effort fully and credibly to peer review. A witness would need to be at the start and finish of the event.  I’d need to log my odometer and location at each and every stop and I’d need to collect verifiable receipts as a paper trail detailing exactly where I was and when.  I put a call out to friends and one answered. I’d need you at five am on Saturday and late night that same day.  No problem. This friend was fully in to action sports and the clock was just a reference.  
Week before go time.  The timing fit with my witness and my availability.  My Indian just had new tires and I was down to final preparations.  At a week out the weather forecast was more or less reliable.  I went through the process of logging the weather predictions for half a dozen locations on the route, by time of day.  I knew Barstow would be hottest, hitting a high of 110-114 degrees but I’d be riding through at seven am and past eight pm.  The rest of the route was at a more or less comfortable 92-98 degrees.  Here’s a twist, Flagstaff Arizona was 62 degrees around the times I’d be passing east and west. wow that’s nice, unexpected but nice…wait a minute, the reason it was so cool was from thunderstorms.  I’d have to make sure all my gear was waterproof.  Should I wear the rain coat insert? It would mean I’d be overheated in the one hundred plus degree spots or I could stop and put that on then stop and take it off…each direction but that would be a time kill on the clock.  I’d bring it but wear it only if absolutely necessary or if I broke down in that area. 
Last thing but most important, water.  I’d bring a soft sided cooler that I sometimes used on road trips and lash that to the back rest on the Scout.  It was lightly insulated and would allow for a bag of ice and a couple liters of water, plus the camel back’s liter gave me four and a half liters of water with ice to put in the camel back when I hit the hot zones.  
The night before go time and I knoll all my gear. The tool roll, the bag of food with protein, dried  fruit, crackers, gum and mints. The para-cord bracelet, full face helmet with mirror tint face shield, the Olympia four season riding jacket and riding pants with armored knees.  Under the riding gear I would wear a compression base level and a pair of gym shorts.  Finally, the inflatable air cushion.  I had a gel seat cushion but I knew that would wear thin after four hours.  So this trip I’d also bring this air cushion, shove it down my motorcycle pants and only look like I shat my pants when I stood up during fuel stops.  Small price to pay for avoiding excruciating pain in my lower back. 
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I wrote out route numbers on PostIt notes to put in the clear sleeve pocket on my riding jacket.  405S, 55N, 91E etc.  The most challenging section would be east bound after Barstow.  In order to make the entire route over a thousand miles and apex at Winslow I’d be riding a slightly different route eastbound versus westbound, not just interstate 40 there and back again.  It would be challenging but in a good way, variety being the spice of a good trip.  Once past Barstow I’d need to find Nipton Road and exit there, then on to 93S to 163E, a short ride on 95S and merge to I40E. Based on a cursory Google Maps view, that whole section appeared to be a four lane highway, two in each direction with a median.  Perfect.
Four fifteen am.  There’s no dragging ass now. I’m up, shower, dress, put the ice and water in the bag and I’m on the way to start point, a Chevron in Costa Mesa where I’d meet my witness. It’s dark, little traffic and my mind is hyper focused, did I remember to bring my wallet? yes I checked it five times, did I lock the door, yes, is there enough air in the seat bag? Did I give the cat enough food for the day.  And all that evaporates as the Chevron comes to view.  Naomi is already there. I pull up to a fuel pump so I can get a start receipt.  We fill out the log, grab a photo together, I take a picture of the odometer and the receipt and I’m off.  Back on the highway and at cruising speed in the darkness of the morning. 
For me the first part of any long road trip is a blur.  It’s like one of those films where the camera is in the car and the film speed is set extra fast and you see the highway snake along in curves with changing scenery blur by left and right.  The Scout has an effective range on highway of one hundred and ten miles.  Then the fuel light comes on and you have thirty more miles after that.  I brought two half liter fuel bottles in my bag, not to use but to give me mental security to push the limit as far as I could otherwise my fear of running out of fuel would put me in stops every seventy-five to ninety miles and I needed to limit stops and maximize road time today.  This first section, traffic got a bit thick at places but did not slow.  I climbed up I15 canyon and onto the high desert plateau at Victorville and watched the sun rise as I rode for Barstow and my first fuel stop at a Chevron at the first exit.  About two years prior I was driving my 1990 Ford F250 en route for Las Vegas. I stopped at Victorville for fuel and about midway between Victorville and Barstow the alternator stopped working, snapping the belt.  It made a tremendous noise but the truck seemed to keep going so I gritted my teeth and kept moving, trying to make it to a place I could get help easily.  I made it the twenty miles or so, took the first exit and swung into this same Chevron, I remembered how the brakes were super sluggish, probably the power interface was affected by the snapped belt. At the time, I literally stood up on the brake pedal to get the six tons of truck to a stop off to the side parking lot of the fuel station.  I looked at that same spot while filling up the five hundred pound Indian Scout.  Here I put my earphones in and started listening to music to keep my focus.  Nothing more dull than long straight desert highways on a motorcycle.
Back on the highway and I co-rode a little with two other early morning motorcyclists. A BMW GS1200R and a Harley.  We played tag until they exited at Baker.  Once I got off I15 I didn’t know where the next fuel would be so I stopped short of my one hundred and ten mile optimum at Mountain Pass. I took a moment to refill my camel back and have a protein bar breakfast.  Chatted with a old rider on a early 80’s Harley that he had a for sale sign on.  We talked about Indians and the novelty of it, he was curious about it but uniqueness in corporate products just doesn’t exist anymore like it did when Harley and Indian started. I didn’t have the heart to tell him Indian was owned by Polaris which made Victory motorcycles and snow mobiles. Or maybe he already knew that and we both basked in the illusion of a conversation about the qualities of Harleys and Indians that could have happened a hundred years ago. 
A couple miles outside of Mountain Pass was Nipton Road exit.  I followed a Crown Victoria sedan on to a two lane road with wash out sand residue in places.  It was long and straight and very straight. In the distance were some foot hills.  Even at eight in the morning it was heating up.  I didn’t take any chances with the wash out sand, it would be stupid to wipe out now.  I blinked and rode through Nipton, for the glimpse I saw, it looked quaint.  I’d have stopped if I wasn’t on the clock. Desert mining towns have a likable nostalgia all their own.  Nipton Road’s highway number is 164.  Past Nipton there were more severe road washouts and there was repair work.  It was down to one lane with a traffic lead. Luckily the sedan and I timed our arrival at the stop point with the arrival of the east bound traffic lead and we got underway at twenty miles per hour.  Parts of the road were halfway gone, washed away from flash floods during the season.  The construction was a slow down but I’d made good time and besides, the rest of the route should be clear.  
I rode into Searchlight where the connection between 164 and 95 was just a corner like one might find in the suburbs.  Stopped to take a photo of the crossroads and got behind a Honda sedan.  As I rode through town, behind the car, I thought I should probably get in front of them, 95 construction was coming up and well, the road was wide open ahead of them but prudence from getting a small town traffic ticket and faith that the driver in front of me would speed up outside of town held me back.  I was wrong on both points.  There were no police to be seen and when we got into the construction lane, no room to pass, the elderly driver in front of me slowed down to 53mph and would not budge for forty miles.  I was like water in a kettle.  Energy building, constrained, increasing pressure, moving forward then holding back trying hard not to get too close. Look in the mirror behind us, we had four miles of traffic backed up.  Still the driver would not budge.  
Nearly missed the exit to 163 east through all the orange construction cones and lack of signs if it wasn’t for the PostIt note on my sleeve reminding me of the highway number and spotting a tiny sign with that number on the other side of the road.  The elderly driver was also making a left onto 163 and I wanted so badly to go straight and leave them on their way.  But I followed left, the construction dissipated and two lanes opened up and flash, I was five miles ahead of them before they had accelerated up to their bodacious cruising speed. 
Couple of fun highway sweeper curves and I was down into the valley at Laughlin and across the Colorado River for the first time.  It was eleven am and hot. Pushed up into the hills on highway 68 and made my interchange to 93S.  That airbag was starting to give way.  My back starting to ache. I shifted around through the red lights down 93 finding a fuel stop, took the chance to add some air, a lot of air.  By the time I got on I40 I realize it was way too much air. I was bouncing around like a toddler in an air castle.  Every single bump sent me skyward and corners were a dicey proposition.  I still had massive miles to go so nothing for it but to pull over. Found an off highway/on again spot and let out some air, what a relief.  Got back going and shifted around, yep, absolutely perfect.  Now that the pain in my ass was gone, from there to Flagstaff it was as meditative as road trips should be. Mind clear of any specific thoughts, just road, sky, land and music. 
The scenery changed as I neared Flagstaff, more pine trees, interesting hills left and right.  I was slowed by two big sections of construction but it didn’t feel like I was losing time, although I definitely was.  On the east side of Flagstaff, the rain hit.  I could see the dry and wet points on the road ahead as I came down the hill.  The coolness was welcomed and I knew the next stop was Winslow and I’d be switching from eastbound to westbound and home.  Now it was fuel calculation time.  I was already at eighty miles on that tank, could I make it to Winslow which I figured would put me at one hundred and sixteen miles on the tank to refuel or should I be conservative.  What the hell, I’d go for it, I still had my two bottles of auxiliary fuel.  As I rode to the outskirts of Winslow ‘Take it Easy’ by the Eagles came on my random music feed.  “Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona…”  I was there within the hour.  
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My route looped Winslow so when I got to “The Corner” I was already heading west.  I had planned an hour in Winslow but I was running two hours late.  Plus I had the road energy.  The kind where you just want to keep moving.  I had downed five hundred miles and I had five hundred to go.  The air bag was working great, the cool water from the insulated bag with ice refreshing during the hot spots and I was feeling damn good.  Got a couple tourist photos at the Eagles statue and mural, nice old lady helped with that.  In the restaurant for lunch and I was itching to get on the road.  Everything was clicking and I felt more comfortably relaxed in motion than I did sitting at a table.  
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Always the road back feels faster than the road away.  I’m sure it has something to do with seeing the familiar. I was counting on that effect to keep my stamina and focus up and the fatigue at bay.  The rain was much worse heading west.  Clouds had moved toward the road while i had lunch. I could see one very large storm off to the left (south west) with lightning flashes across the valley. Wish I had a helmet camera so i could share the impressiveness of nature.  I rode into the rain curtain and visibility dropped to a few hundred feet. Slowed down to a gingerly pace, that is the kind of rain that puts the oil on top and hydroplanes you right off the road.  Kept my distance from other vehicles, not trusting anyone’s skills but my own. Up the hill and into the next valley and that was the rain for the day.  West of Flagstaff and I gotta pee. I’m thinking through whether or not I could make it to the next fuel stop. I still have sixty miles left on the tank. That’s another hour. Nope, I gotta stop.  It is difficult to see if an exit is a quick off/on when there are hills and trees so I take a blue sign at faith and take the exit.  There was no fuel station around for miles, the directions led me back east for Flagstaff ten miles away. Not wanting to do that and kicking myself for the delay I loop toward an onramp and a quiet area.  I stopped in front of a highway repair equipment yard that was closed for the day and went walking off road in search for a lucky tree.  It is not a road trip unless you pee on a tree. Back on the Scout and continue on.
From there on it was a checklist of towns. Ash Fork, Seligman, Kingman. counting the miles to each. Throughout the day I was conscious of the need to keep drinking water. Staying hydrated is the best way to manage fatigue and keep mental acuity.  The increasing temperatures would heat up the water hose and I’d drink warm water for the most part, which is fine, easier to absorb. The knock effect of that was the bite nozzle was getting lose in the warmed hose.  As I was going 85mph, I start taking another sip and the bite nozzle comes out. Water starts spraying everywhere lifted from the wind draft and splashing it on my face shield, the motorcycle tank and windshield.  I take my hand with the hose, and get a better bite on the nozzle so I don’t lose it, then raise the open ended hose up high enough so the water stops running out, pinch it and shove it in my mouth, all while continuing at over 80mph. Then get my hand back to clutch so I can slow down and pull over and get it all sorted out.  Reminded me of the time I was riding in South Carolina on I95 on the Honda CBR, first time riding that bike on a long trip. I looked down, my eye caught by motion and I see the clutch handle screw rimming the edge. I took my hand off the handle bar to grab it just as it popped into the air…and straight into my hand.  I pulled over, secured it and continued on my way. 
Then into new unseen territory between Yucca and Needles.  It’s a barren, straight featureless section that is hot and just gets hotter.  Only thing going for it was the increase in average speed and the few number of cars.  Occasionally I’d be passed by someone going 110mph, 120mph or more but for the most part it was just me.  I found that the Scout with a windshield really helps with road fatigue but slows the average speed.  It will do bursts at 100mph or a little more but stay up there and it starts to wobble. Crossing the Colorado River here on I40 was just as hot as up north on 163. So hot that it was starting to hit my fatigue hard.  Stopped in Needles for an extended break, fill up ice in the camel back and prepare for the home stretch.  There’s no illusions here. I was hitting the seven hundred mile wall where you have to dig deep in mental strength just to stay awake.  Sun was setting so it would start cooling which was good because it was 109 degrees.  I was running an hour late but that still got me back to start point by 10pm and to fulfill the challenge I had ample time. It was a thousand miles in twenty-four hours after all.  As long as I didn’t stupid it, and go off road I’d make it.  Conditions change, approach change. I’d allow myself to rest at every stop available if necessary, I’d focus only on the twenty or thirty miles right in front of me. The next town, the next off/on fuel stop, the next rest stop.  Fenner next, then Ludlow. After Ludlow I was in trouble. There was nothing to focus on, no one around me only darkness, warm air to the face, and a hypnotic red light of some vehicle in front of me.  I knew I just needed to get to Barstow and more traffic, more activity to wake up my brain and stay reasonably alert.  I slowed way down as compensation for reaction time.  Coming toward Daggett was like emerging from the desert. Well actually it was exactly that, emerging from the desert darkness. 
Barstow to Victorville was all activity.  Still not trusting my reaction skills I was in the slow lane with people passing all over.  My goal now was to stay out of their way and figure out where I could fuel one last time before finish point.  Made it down the canyon hill into the LA valley and like a ball rolling, my momentum picked up.  My mental focus came back with the traffic and activity, and the knowledge that I was almost done.  The ride back to Costa Mesa went smooth enough, every familiar landmark giving me more energy.  There was 91W, there is 55S, 405N and Costa Mesa exit.  
Slowly I got off the Scout. Stretched a little. Filled the tank, sluggishly went inside to get my receipt.  It was done. Sixteen hours and nine minutes. The excitement would sink in later.  Naomi showed up with plenty of excitement for both of us. Sign the log, go home and sleep. 
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isaacathom · 6 years ago
i dont /think/ the politics of the setting plays a huge role in the story, barring the effect it has on characters in a cultural sense (mostly re: Rien and Warzen). not unless the gang kidnaps a princess or something. it could play interestingly into the whole two gangs thing.
 since most of the story is spent tracking down Rien’s gang (Gang A) and then after the revelation that Saval was a Huge Fucking Liar, it swaps to the group trying to track her down (both for answers and because shes still a criminal and she straight up escaped). and maybe even that was tied into the plot. That Saval’s whole point, really, was to sufficiently distract the city/royal guard from focusing on the Hounds of Fovenis and making out Gang A to be the big villains. so the guard devotes its resources to fucking over Gang A, while the Hounds get ready for the real heist - royalty. while the guards off fucking around with random Gang A necromancers, they can just waltz in and kidnap members of the royal family and demand that $$$. a flawless plan.
except then Saval get found out. because one of the members of Gang A turning themself over and helping bring them down was not on the cards. Rien was a complete unknown factor. Koci and her justice god were unknown factors (sort of). Warzen was definitely an unknown factor, because Saval didn’t know he existed (cause, yknow, separate jails). and Saval didn’t get any pre-knowledge about Rien being an issue until Rien was supposedly murdered (the Hounds had faulty information - they assumed Amali was Rien) and Rien was chucked in the guys jail anyway. so. yknow. cool.
so Saval gets found out to be a liar. That she’s not from Gang A. how they figure out she’s a Fovenis plant instead is... hmm. not sure on that front yet. maybe its just simple process of elimination - if she’s not a member of Gang A, but she had all of this information, she was probably a Hound, and so forth.
so Saval fucking bolts. she fucked up real bad. they were almost ready to get big, but now theyre going to be under scrutiny. so she thinks, a) save my own ass and b) save my gangs ass. she leaves a trail. she plans to lure them out of the city if she can. get as much of the royal guard trying to track her down as possible. commit a bunch of random and dangerous crimes to make her a credible threat to society, etc. what else can she do???
but Saval probably falters. she’s spent a solid while with this specific group, the main cast. theyre friendly. they trusted her. and that was stupid of them. theyre stupid. but they were like... genuine about it. yknow? like they were neat. she liked hanging out with them.
and so of course the people that end up finding her are her friends. and after some fighting, she cracks. she ““accidentally”” outs the Hounds plan to kidnap royalty, which would send the region into some reaaaal chaos. cause. yknow. royalty??? especially if theres an assassination involved. which there likely is. the hounds dont fuck around. like their plan is basically to murder most of the royal family and scarper with a princex or two. everyone scrambles. the south rises. all that fun shit. makes sense to me that the hounds might be southern aligned.
then i guess the group (preferably + saval, but the logistics of that are.... complicated? disguises are possible though) races back to foil it. i dont know if they were fully succeed in that. someone probably does get straight up murdered. but they manage to mostly foil it. 
the alternative, at least in part, is to have Saval be directly betrayed by one of the Hounds. Flat out betrayed. set up. she was the fall guy. the plan, as far as she knew, was that the Hounds were going to break her out of jail just before the plan went into action, and she’d return into the fold seamlessly. that they’d put her back in her rightful spot. that she’d be back in control instead of at their whims (since her spot as the plant relies on the other hounds to do their jobs properly). and then they just dont? or something? she thought she’d be rewarded for her service to a gang she was literally born into, and that were her family, and they declined. they had no intention of breaking her out. she’d served her purpose. maybe before this mission she’d failed. she’d made mistakes. and they’d framed this mission, the long haul Gang A Plant, as a way for her to return to their good graces. but it was a suicide mission the whole time. a dead end. she wasn’t getting out.
the issue with that is that, while it basically makes sense, especially if they think lowly of Saval’s skills, is that idk how to like.... have that come up. as a way to fully convince Saval to help. without it, Saval’s only motive to urn on the Hounds is her friendship with the group, and that wouldn’t get them far enough as to convince her to fight with them against the Hounds. it would convince her to ““accidentally”” spoil the plot. which is tantamount to a full betrayal but idk, maybe they wouldnt figure out she’d done it. i mean she IS fucked either way. cause she failed. plus betrayal, ooh baby, she’s a dead ‘un, yknow? so maybe they could convince her. Rien would be a good candidate for doing that, since Rien is the only other person who is actually like, a Proper Crim (unlike Koci “i didnt want this” Farmer and Warzen “I just wanted to revive some friends” Eliodan) and would figure out how it works. besides, rien did basically experience what Saval will. if the Hounds let Saval back in, they’d execute her not long after. They’d send her to a routine job and then cap her in the head. Rien literally just had that happen (except Rien didn’t die, obviously, but the general event remains the same).
so Rien, presumably having basiiiically forgiven Saval for unwittingly setting up Rien to get murdered (its complicated), convinces Saval that if she thinks the Hounds will reward her for this, then shes the fucking idiot, not them. Because they won’t. If they don’t just kill her at the start, they’ll quietly dispose of her while she’s asleep, or while she’s on the open road. They’ll dispose of her. Failure is unacceptable to them, and Saval failed. So basically Saval’s only options are to Run, or to turn herself in and hope that the police can keep her safe.
Saval takes both. Saval agrees to help them get thwart the Hounds’ plan, and while everyone’s like, celebrating or some shit, she slips away. makes sense.
i think that would pretty much work? theres nothing wrong with the story being a smaller scale, but having Saval be the final boss would be.... weird. because she’d be really obviously less powerful than the other 4. they’d win. it wouldnt be challenging in any way. it would keep the story more.... like, personal, and thats fine too, right. i like that sometimes. but i feel like it needs a little more. plus, i could likely tie in the whole thing with the royalty with Koci. since she still has a pact in the air. the god fulfilled their end (p much), now its Koci’s turn. or something! im gonna have to think about it. esp since justice isnt omniscient and wouldnt know the royals are in danger for any certainty. maybe the pact is a bit more vague. like “if you enact justice. we’ll be good” “what the fuck does that mean” “uhhh do good things. protect people. right wrongs. save lives and shit” “arent i already doing that???” “yea but you gotta balance out what i did for you. equivalent and stuff” “huh.”
cause i guess the thing is that, without Koci knowing her pact, she probably would never do enough. its likely that if she switched too many times, they stop letting her leave, and now she cant even DO any justice. so she couldnt break her pact, and so forth. and if she knows her pact is to like. right wrongs and shit, or something, then she can convince them to let her keep coming along despite the risks, because it migh also set her free. and stuff? yea. especially as she communicates more w/ her god and they start working together more effectively. or something. again pacts are unclear as shit.
like i guess the issue with Koci’s pact is that not only was she brought back to life, BUT also that this happened so she could destroy the cultists. and then she went further. and it got a bit messy. and justice was lost. idk. maybe justice’s pact was basically ‘ill kill the cultists if you fuck over some people who have wronged me’ ‘do you know who they are?’ ‘not really’ ‘oh dude thanks youre a great help’.
idk. justice might be hard to work in to it in a way that feels satisfying or that couldnt happen without her knowing the pact. perhaps vengeance would be better? then its like, ok, i helped you get revenge. now help ME get revenge. but because Koci can’t talk to them (yknow, language barriers), Koci can’t do that. she can’t find the right people. but once they start talking, Koci figures out she can probably get what they want by continuing to do this whole main gang thing. the people they want fucked over are PROBABLY part of Gang A, right? she’ll work hard to keep fucking them up! and so the god agrees, because that makes sense, and gives her more control, which allows her to stay in the group (without the control, she’s a liability. with the control, she’s an asset) to work towards the goal.
except they arent part of Gang A. because Gang A just... doesnt do that? probably necromancy stuff. ok correction, they do, they do have a necromancer, but one who started doing that AFTER the Koci incident and therefore after the pact. and was not the goal. rather, their goal was someone from the Hounds. who i guess gets involved with the whole palace thing??? uh. ok this isnt Great. i do need to find a way to connect Koci’s pact to the story though. I’ll think more on that laaaaer??? hh
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rsharma6431 · 7 years ago
How to Speed Up Firefox
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Your web browser of choice is truly the gateway into accessing the global Internet. The web has been growing exponentially, and we have seen tremendous changes to browsing software as well. Mozilla has been keeping up well considering the recent release of Firefox 10 which has seen mostly positive review. But as we all know, your web browser tends to slow down over time with repeated use. Firefox is not immune to this, but there are some tweaks you can use to optimize the browsing experience. The key values we’re looking for include startup speed, reduced load times, and accessible web pages. Check out some of my tips in the guide below if you’re looking to enhance the Firefox experience!
Quick Shortcut Commands
A good place to start is with a few handy keyboard shortcuts. These can be difficult to memorize at first, but over repeated use you’ll begin to adopt the routine. And I feel there’s no better way to speed up your web browsing experience than mastering a few shortcut keys. Only a couple examples may seem relevant to your needs. We don’t all require the same knowledge and so one command may be totally pointless to somebody else. If you check through Google you’ll likely find very helpful articles for the more common shortcuts.
1. Clear Private Data
Security is of the utmost importance to consider whenever you’re surfing the web. Even by today’s standards things are a lot less risky than 5 or 10 years ago. But you should understand how private browsing data is stored and what you can do to clear your info.
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This short menu which pops up is a condensed version of the settings panel. You can choose how far back in time to clear out along with specific types of data such as cookies, cached pages, active login sessions, etc. I recommend that you clear everything within the list every time you close down the browser window. This is only my personal preference to keep my data secure – but of course you should adopt some form of routine cleanup which works best for you. Shortcut – Ctrl + Shift + Delete
2. Add-Ons Toolbar
The Firefox add-ons menu is a small toolbar which appears at the bottom of your Firefox window. From here you can access add-on commands and menus which are normally reserved from within the regular plug-ins area. This may be one of the lesser-known shortcuts but does come in handy frequently. If you like to keep your browser slim with reduced add-ons then this may pose as a bit uninteresting. And I have to agree that fewer 3rd-party extensions means much quicker browser performance. Just keep this in mind as you’re testing out new add-ons from time to time. Shortcut – Ctrl + /
3. Open Downloads Window
There have been numerous instances using Firefox where I’ve been downloading files and accidentally clicked out of the downloads window. It’s a harmless gesture, though it can be a pain to find your menu again. This command brings up not just your active downloads but also recent history of previous files – very handy when you forget which folder you saved into! Shortcut – Ctrl+J Note: For Mac users, replace Ctrl with Command.
Increase Local Cache Storage
When Firefox saves a cached version of website content it reduces any future requests needed for re-downloading code. By default you can only max out to 1GB of saved cache from the web. But this is likely such a small amount compared to your overall disk space, it’s well worth the effort to update your cache sizes. I recall Firefox 8.0 had local cache storage at 256MB by default. Honestly this is a fair amount of room, especially if you’re clearing out private data at the end of each session. Yet if you browse for hours at a time each repeat website visit will accumulate possibly 10-15 minutes of saved load screens.
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In the top menu open Tools -> Options or Firefox -> Preferences... on Mac and click on the Advanced Tab. Somewhere in the middle of this menu you’ll see “Limit cache to” along with a number input. I’ve chosen 1024MB which happens to be the maximum allowed. Simply hit OK and restart the browser for this to take effect.
Popular yet Minimalist Add-Ons
It’s a good idea to keep wary of installing too many extensions into Firefox. The browser will begin to lag fairly quickly if you neglect to disable unused add-ons, but luckily it’s also an easy process to remove them. Below are a couple of the most popular user-voted add-ons which won’t interfere with your speed or page performance.
1. Download Status Bar
In particular this is a very helpful addon I’ve come to love since first installing. The download statusbar is not obtrusive or even displayed in any way until you download a file. Instead of having a new window appear you get a neat toolbar at the very bottom of your browser window.
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From this you can check the total file size and amount remaining, along with an estimate of time remaining for the download to complete. You can single-click on a file to pause and even remove items from the queue. My process of downloading files has become more streamlined than ever now that I’m not dealing with a new window for my items list. If you haven’t tried this out yet I highly recommend giving it a shot!
2. WOT – Check Trustworthy Websites
The funky plug-in with a weird name actually has taken me by surprise! As the title says: WOT – Know Which Websites to Trust provides a rating for every website you visit. These are backed by users of the software who have given rankings to sites all over the Internet.
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Many users feel this has little-to-no purpose since you can gauge the legitimacy of a website within the first few seconds of landing. Definitely true, but I do frequently cycle through random websites found in social network communities like StumbleUpon. In this scenario I feel WOT hasn’t provided any first step security, but it does help me build credibility and trust for domains I run into through differing sources.
3. Element Hiding Helper for ABP
Most Firefox users are familiar with Adblock Plus which has proven time and again as a sure-fire ads remover. From this core a developer Wladimir Palantfrom ABP released an extension called Element Hiding Helper. Now you can target any specific page element and choose to block it regardless of the internal content. This is perfect for when you don’t want to block all advertisements on a website but you need to remove 1 or 2 of them for whatever reason. Often times video websites will have loud audio ads start playing out of nowhere – and this plug-in is the perfect remedy. You can choose to remove things other than advertisements, such as annoying JavaScript apps or specific HTML blocks within the page layout.
4. Speed Dial
This feature has become standard to users of the Opera browser and more recently has been picked up by Google Chrome. Yet the speed dial home page setup was never implemented into Firefox in any majorly functional way.
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This plug-in gives you total control over which links appear where in the 9-box grid system. You have easy access to manipulate settings as well, such as default thumbnail height/width and a few keyboard shortcuts. Overall the software has a lot of support from the Mozilla userbase. If you want to learn more check out the official website for detailed features and release notes.
System Edits in about:config
Firefox users have the ability to edit internal variables within the software from the configuration area. Simply open a new tab, type about:config and hit enter. You’ll come to a warning page mentioning the dangers of blindly changing these settings. But we know what we’re doing, so just hit “I’ll be careful” and you’ll be directed to sorted table of values.
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Each of the values in the far left column are associated with a type of variable name. These control instances of how the software runs and performs in the background. I have just a few suggestions for reliable edits.
1. Increase pipelining
In the filter box at the top type in network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. This should limit your field to a single value row set at 4. We can increase this number to 8, which means Firefox can request data through 8 different channels rather than 4 – greatly decreasing your waiting time! Once you edit this value above you’ll need to enable pipelining to see any major effects. Do a search for network.http.pipelining and the first value should be set to false by default. You want to change this to true by double-clicking on the table row.
2. Disable placeholder images
Sometimes when Firefox realizes a page is going to take a while to download it will apply placeholder images. This is to prevent page content from rendering improperly while waiting for the image data. It seems like a good idea in concept, and it does have value but I feel disabling this feature will keep the requested content organized. In the filter box do a search for browser.display.show_image_placeholders which should be set as true. Double-click to change this to false and we should be all set.
3. Disable interface animations
While we’re removing unnecessary features let’s turn our attention to the browser UI. By default Firefox uses a small animation effect whenever you open or switch onto a new tab. It seems small at a glance but once you disable this you’ll be shocked at how much quicker you can move and create tabs. Just do a search for browser.tabs.animate and change the value to false.
4. Increase persistent connections
This variable is similar to pipelining except now we’re looking to open more connections on the server end. This is set much lower at first to keep Firefox downloading at a steady pace. But if you are downloading larger content such as streaming audio or video more persistent connections will mean more data collected at once. In the filter box enter network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server and you should find only one result. By default the value should be 6, but double-click and change to 8. Then hit okay and restart your browser for these effects to kick in!
With so many options in today’s browser market Firefox appears to be holding a steady place. Their engineers know how to build stable software as it has been a reliable brand for years. With the endless number of plugins and extensions free to download there are solutions for practically any problem. I hope these tips can provide a solid foundation for optimizing your web browsing experience. If you have any other great ideas for speeding up Firefox please let us know in the discussion area. Read the full article
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years ago
The Key To Living Longer: Fear Being Alone Far More Than Going Broke
I’ve always told my wife that if all goes to hell, at least we’ll still have each other. After all, we met during college when neither of us had any money. We were happy just spending time together between classes in the Sunken Gardens at The College of William & Mary. Having to start over with nothing wouldn’t be so bad.
I’m convinced part of the reason why some couples choose to have so many children despite the cost, the stress, and the time commitment is because they too, fear being alone one day. Having nobody visit you in the hospital when sick is depressing. Having to play children’s games at a nursing home is no way to live out your remaining years.
For me, being alone is far scarier than going broke. When you lose someone, there’s no guarantee you’ll ever be able to find someone as good. But if you lose all your money, there’s a good chance you’ll recover through some ingenuity and hustle. 
The Risk Of Social Isolation
I truly believe the key to living longer is having someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. Having close personal relationships and a strong community to interact with are the top findings why certain communities have longer lifespans than others. Check out the chart from Susan Pinker’s TED Talk.
Living to 100 and beyond. Click to watch the Ted talk
I’m thankful for all the detailed comments left on Financial Samurai, even the unpleasant ones, because they share windows into different people’s souls and promotes new topics of discussion.
Here’s a comment left by JD on my uncontroversial post entitled, Things Worth Spending Max Money On For A Better Life that is incredibly insightful about why someone people are alone. If you read the post, you know it simply provides suggestions, not commandments, on where you might want to pay a premium to live a better life.
Why not just put anything down? Couldn’t disagree more. With this advice you’d go from frugal to broke in no time at all. You could justify buying anything and everything.
Mattress at the top? My mother was conned into buying a pricey new one by her brother. When you’re old and in pain the bed you’re lying upon in immaterial. I’ve tried it from time to time. It’s okay but not worth $1,000+ but when I’m tired I can sleep anywhere on anything. The people pushing beds are making killings on TV because people are foolish to believe their hype.
Home Appliances & Home Theater systems are Scams. They’re built cheaply designed to break down–All of em! The more money you pump into them doesn’t guarantee quality or quality or longevity anymore. A crap movie is still a crap movie regardless of how big the screen or high the resolution. Maybe you’d like to push Kueric coffee machines too. Fear and Status sell. Means nothing.
Dental Care is overrated and relies upon Fear to sell. A magical sonic toothbrush? Really? They pay you a few bucks to hype this? Just basic brushing, a minimum of once a day is all that’s needed. Even flossing has been proven to be excessive if not dangerous.
Work clothes & shoes – Hint: if you’re Retired (i.e. Not Working!) it matters not! Especially if you’re not a socialite and enjoy doing things by yourself.
Food – Some of us Enjoy the Simple pleasures of Simple food. I’m surprised you’re not hyping caviar here as well! Junk food is only bad for you if you thrive on it excessively and make meals of it. For some of us it’s what makes life worth living.
Car Safety is another one of those things relying on Fear to scare people into shelling out money. Once upon a time frugal sites said the same thing. All cars made today are basically safe but it is the Drivers behind the wheels one must watch out for. You’re safer driving a stripped-down basic car than one loaded with electronics so you drive while watching a DVD and yelling on a phone while studying a schematic of your car!
Such detailed intentional objection. I figured there must be more to JD’s story so I asked him to share more about himself, and he did.
I’m frugal, and the real deal. I’m financially independent with a high net worth. I’m also not a hypocrite. The simple things in life are free and once you get used to them, luxury living is rather petty and obviously to impress the masses. Furthermore, everything I’ve typed up there is true and I can back each and every statement up.
I’m not negative, I’m real and honest. I’ve also debated people to death and I don’t intend to waste my time doing so online again. Everyone lives in their own realities with their own priorities, petty as they may be. It’s why my personal relationships have never worked out. My own preferences have been exotic and queer to most people at times. I’ve turned down steaks for Big Macs, for instance. Because they taste better to me.
If you want me to reiterate a few. Planned Obsolescence pretty much wipes out the need to buy “the biggest, best, most popular, and coolest” of appliances (in conjunction with the “bathtub” curve regarding breakdowns). A $300 refrigerator will last as long, if not longer than a $3,000 one with a ridiculous touch-screen and wi-fi system, and certainly require less maintenance and make life.  Easier for you. Oh, sorry, no bragging rights with an Ordinary refrig.
That’s what it’s all about: Status; impressing the guy next door. Maybe you need such recognition, but I do not. The bottom line is that I saved $2,700 which is more money in the bank making interest. Plus, I’m not pulling my hair out over a touch screen that’s malfunctioning and a unit that needs software updates etc. I could extend this analogy to include all manner of modern “smart” tech which makes live miserable in the long-run, including fancy thermostats which need their batteries replaced constantly and maybe even recalibration. All for Look At Me I’m Better Than You gratification, and a cumulative drop in wallet dough. If you’re secure in Yourself you care not about appearances to project upon others. You are indeed Comfortable and truly at peace. I’ve splurged in the past and I almost invariably feel guilty afterwards. Because the outcome simply was never worth it. Maybe I just need a shrink.
Frankly, I’ve found this website a disappointment. Your early articles were generally good, but you’ve changed over the years. Perhaps this wife of yours has had an influence on your psyche. It’s why I’m not married. If you want real financial know-how, checkout Bell’s Living Stingy blog. Not 100% in agreement of course but I do tend to agree mostly with his lifestyle (minus the BMWs and his sometimes quirky politics).
Although JD said a lot of unflattering things about me and this site, it’s good he followed up with details about his beliefs. Here are some of my observations:
1) There may be some self-esteem issues because he thinks having a nice TV, refrigerator, bath tub and wi-fi system is for showing off to your neighbors instead of for the owner’s personal satisfaction. I’m not sure how our neighbors will ever know about our nice equipment unless we invite them over to a bath tub or online gaming party.
2) Guilt for spending money despite having a high net worth. Many of us have this problem because part of the reason why we got to a high net worth is by being frugal. Old habits are hard to quit.
3) JD is alone. By comparing things with others, bringing up my wife, his shrink, and his failed relationships, it seems he either enjoys being alone or desperately wants to find someone.
How Not To Be Alone
If you want to live longer and happier, then it’s probably beneficial to find someone to go through life with according to the research. To be loved and accepted is all we can ever ask. Although there is no guarantee of finding someone, we can at least improve our odds by doing some of the following:
1) Ask whether you’d be happy hanging out with yourself for hours. Pretend you’re stuck for five hours at an airport due to a computer system malfunction. Would you enjoy your company? Or would you not be able to stand yourself? The airport test is one of the key determinants every applicant must pass when applying for a job that demands rigorous work hours and plenty of travel.
2) Find ways to look at the positive. JD decided to look at my post as an offense to his frugality. Even though my post wasn’t forced upon him or cost him anything to read, he got triggered by my suggestions. Meanwhile, most other people decided to see the positives of the post and share some of the things they value the most. The more you can see the good in things, the more people will start seeing the good in you.
3) Turn on your grateful switch. Whenever I sprain my ankle, I’m thankful I didn’t break my ankle. Whenever my wife is feeling tired after a long night, she is thankful she has a son to be tired for. In the very simplest terms, if we can be grateful for just being alive, our world will change for the better.
4) Smile. Nobody can resist a big toothy smile. Strangers will automatically smile back at you for no reason. A smile is like a powerful magnet that draws people to you. The next time you’re zooming down fresh powder, dancing to your favorite tune, or riding a jet ski, notice how sore your cheek muscles get after the session is over. It’s because you’ve been smiling nonstop without anybody noticing. The more you can smile, the happier and healthier you will feel.
5) Focus on solutions. Problem solvers don’t just accept a bad scenario, they find a way to go around the wall. There is no greater turn-off than the person who complains why life isn’t fair and then sits on their ass all day. The water cooler gossipers at work invariably are the first ones fired. One of the reasons why blogs have taken off is because journalists only report the news, while bloggers not only share the news but also offer actionable steps. When you can build some credibility by consistently doing what you say, attracting others is an inevitability.
6) Take care of your mental and physical health. Nobody will love you if you can’t love yourself. Loving yourself starts with taking care of your mental and physical well-being. You don’t have to look like a swimsuit model or have the mind of the Dalai Lama, you just have to consistently work at reaching your healthiest potential. Stay active. Keep an open mind. Read voraciously. Practice what you’ve learned. Forgive yourself and others.
7) The more people you meet, the higher your chances. Meeting someone you can connect with is a numbers game. Sharing a common interest is the easiest catalyst to start a meaningful relationship. I have one friend who is always on a date despite not being particularly attractive. He’s not afraid to ask every person he meets for their contact information because he’s not afraid of rejection.
8) Stay hygienic. For the love of God, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, and floss no matter what JD says about not buying a Sonicare tooth brush! If you smell and are dirty, nobody will want to come close to you, let alone kiss you. Ask your friend(s) if you smell, because some people do and have no idea. Let your natural pheromones attract other people in ways that only science can explain.
9) Develop emotional intelligence. If you’re clueless, it’s dangerous because you may not know you’re clueless. This is also called the Dunning-Krueger effect. An emotionally intelligent person understands another person’s viewpoint and works to socialize in a manner that’s agreeable. An example of an emotionally unintelligent person is one who asks things like, “can I pick your brain” without first developing a relationship or providing something of value. Communication skills are key to a high EI.
10) Be generous and kind. Showing generosity and kindness is one thing if you have everything. Showing generosity and kindness when you have nothing is next level humanity. A woman by the name of Kate McClure raised over $360,000 for a homeless man through a GoFundMe campaign after she ran out of gas on an interstate in Philadelphia. Johnny Bobbitt Jr., walked a few blocks and bought her some with his last $20 and asked for nothing in return. Johnny has a second chance in life after drugs and alcohol derailed his plans.
We Are Programmed For Companionship
Having a lot of money is pointless if you have nobody to share it with. During my days in finance, I met plenty of wealthy, but lonely folks who had let their desire for wealth consume them. Every single one of them regretted working so much in their 20s and 30s, and not working more at finding someone they could come home to.
There’s no denying that luck plays a role in finding a companion. But I’m certain we can all do more to increase our chances at finding someone if that’s what we want.
Relationships are hard to maintain because we tend to take each other for granted. Marriage is constantly a work in progress. But I say it is better to have loved than to never have loved at all.
The Average Net Worth For The Above Average Couple
Marrying Your Equal Is Better Than Marrying Rich
Financial Dependence Is The Worst: Why Each Spouse Needs Their Own Bank Account
Readers, why do you think some people remain alone? What are some other ways to improve our chances of finding the one? You can read more of JD’s comments on love and life in the post, The Best Financial Move I Made Is Something Everyone Can Do. They are fascinating to me because they are the opposite of my beliefs. 
The post The Key To Living Longer: Fear Being Alone Far More Than Going Broke appeared first on Financial Samurai.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/the-key-to-living-longer-and-happier/
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wionews · 7 years ago
2017 Gujarat election: Development vs reservation
"When I gave the taxi driver at Ahmedabad airport the name of a nondescript hotel as my address, he looked at me pityingly and asked, “Chota-mota dhanda hai (Are you engaged in petty business)? I readily agreed and said I was in the business of journalism and had come to study the election; I had been there in 2012 also. He perked up and in the course of the 40-minute journey assured me that change would happen in Gujarat. “The BJP will be voted out. Hardik Patel and Alpesh Thakore will ensure that.” 
Across north Gujarat and Saurashtra, the Patidars were backing Hardik Patel’s reservation agenda and would vote against the BJP.
Is Hardik Patel really a challenge, I asked. Does he command the majority support of the Patidar community, I wondered. The taxi driver responded, “If he were not a challenge, why is the BJP doing so much to discredit him? And why has the party launched a desperate drive to retain the Patel votes?” Across north Gujarat and Saurashtra, he claimed, the Patidars were backing Hardik Patel’s reservation agenda and would vote against the BJP.
I assumed by his stiff defence of the young Patel leader that he was a votary of reservation for the Patidar community in the State. His answer was surprising. “The Patidars don’t deserve reservation. They are financially, educationally and socially well off.” Before I could respond, he added, “You must be amazed. I am backing Hardik Patel because he is today in my community leader Alpesh Thakore’s side."
The Thakores belong to the Other Backward Class (OBC), and the taxi driver was a Thakore. He strongly suggested that I move around extensively in Mehsana, Patan, Sabarkantha and other parts of north Gujarat, and Ahmedabad too. “ You will realise that I am right. The BJP will lose this time. You came five years ago, but things are very different today.” I assured him that I would visit as many of the places he had advised. 
BJP will emerge with a simple majority (100-plus seats) and form the Government yet again.
But after moving around throughout the day across the length and breadth of Ahmedabad (Thaltej, Vastrapur, Naranpur etc) and in Patan and Mehsana, the impression I had was far from the kind the taxi driver had predicted. The driver represented one kind of extreme outcome which found resonance among a clutch of people on the streets — the BJP’s rout. A few others I spoke to in these towns and adjoining villages presented another extreme — that the ruling party would return to power with even more seats than it had in 2012.
Most of the people with whom I interacted on the subject foresaw a ‘moderate’ outcome. They were agreed on three conclusions. The first is that the Hardik Patel factor has gained some traction for the Congress. The second is that the Patidar leader will cut into the Patel vote-bank of the BJP. The third is that, despite these setbacks, the BJP will emerge with a simple majority (100-plus seats) and form the Government yet again.
What also became evident through my interactions in Ahmedabad, Patan and Mehsana is that, at the ground level the Patidar and the Thakore communities do not see eye to eye. This is easy to understand. The Thakores belonging to the OBC resent the prospect of having to share the quota pie with the dominant Patels. It’s not ideology that binds them together now; the desire to oust the BJP compels them to share the tent.
The turning point for the Patidars, according to a resident of Thaltej locality in Ahmedabad, was the crackdown by the State police on Patidar agitators in August 2015.
The turning point for the Patidars, according to a resident of Thaltej locality in Ahmedabad, was the crackdown by the State police on Patidar agitators in August 2015. Fourteen people had died in the violence. The subsequent action against Hardik Patel, including his incarceration and banishment from Gujarat for a while, was viewed as a humiliation of a proud community which had stood by the BJP for decades.
Or at least this is how the Patidar community led by Hardik Patel presented it before his people. The sentiment is echoed by Babubhai Patel, an elderly local in Mehsana. “The BJP Government really brutalised the Patidar community through its action. The lathi-charge cannot be forgotten. We would not have turned against the party but for this act of atrocity.”
The Thaltej resident, who belongs to the OBC and did not wish to be named, remarked, “It’s not that the Congress is liked by us. It has been disastrous for Gujarat in the past. But if it can manage Hardik Patel properly, it can gain significantly.” The anti-BJP sentiment, according to him, the taxi driver and a few other spoken to, is such that the voters are willing to ignore the development work BJP regimes have done over the years, and the failures of the Congress too. 
Although Mehsana had been the focal point of the Patidar agitation, opinion there is not overwhelmingly against the BJP
Was this an all-pervasive mood? Not really. The manager of the hotel I stayed in, and who appeared politically well-informed, smirked at the proposition. “Do not over-estimate Hardik Patel,” he warned. “Because of his youth and enthusiasm and Congress support, he has begun to look larger-than-life. The Patidar outfit he heads is not the only Patel organisation that exists. There are others and those are as important. They are with the BJP. The Patidar votes will split, true, but not to the extent that the divide can harm the ruling party greatly.”
He said that the Patels were an educated lot and socially aware, and they realise that Hardik Patel was leading them up the garden path with his promise of reservation. “How can he ensure his community reservation? The 50 per cent mark is already touched. The Congress’s assurance is only on paper. It cannot be implemented.” This line or reasoning was incidentally shared by several middle-aged and senior citizens.
But everyone is agreed upon the fact that Hardik Patel has taken a big risk and that things can go wrong. If the Congress fails to give the Patidars a credible and actionable plan of action for reservations, for instance. Or, if the Patels, who have been inextricably linked to the BJP for their socio-economic development and who now back Hardik Patel, develop cold feet over the disruption that may happen in case they vote against the BJP, keep themselves away from the polling booth. Or, if the Congress does not give the Hardik Patel-led organisation, the Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) a fair number of seats to contest. 
The Congress and the Hardik Patel-led Patidars, he said, represented the privileged system, while the BJP under Modi stood for inclusive development.
There is another danger, which even Hardik Patel’s supporters acknowledge, even if grudgingly: That of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ability to swing fence-sitting Patidar votes in his party’s favour through a series of aggressive campaigns in the region. A 65-year old voter in Patan town remarked, “Modi sabka magaj ghuma dega (Modi can change people’s minds in his favour), adding, “Also, don’t forget the Gujarati pride (which the Prime Minister symbolises) issue.”
Although Mehsana had been the focal point of the Patidar agitation, opinion there is not overwhelmingly against the BJP — or at least not as decisively as one might have expected. A 25-something (Patel) civil engineer who has ventured into the construction business said that while Hardik Patel was shrewd and manipulative, the BJP led by Modi “can manage things at the last moment”. He supported Hardik Patel’s demand for reservation. “Patidars need quota not so much in Government employment (we Patels either have land or are engaged in business or are salaried employees) but in educational institutions.
Why should we lose out to those who are less merited but get through because of quotas?” On the other hand, a shop-keeper, vociferously supported by a bunch of youngsters around him, bluntly said, “Hardik Patel cannot be trusted. He is neither mature nor responsible.”
The sense of ambivalence that was reflected across Ahmedabad and in Patan and Mehsana towns, was replaced by clarity in the small Pimpal village, situated on the Mehsana-Patan road. Phulabhai Jeevabhai Rabari is a 30-year old who is engaged in the dairy business. The Rabari community belongs to the OBC and is a beneficiary of the quota system.
He made light of the benefit and claimed that it made no difference to youngsters like him. “We live by our skills and hard work. I don’t like the reservation business.” The Congress and the Hardik Patel-led Patidars, he said, represented the privileged system, while the BJP under Modi stood for inclusive development. “The 2017 election is about development versus reservation”, Phulabhai stated. A motley group of villagers seconded the opinion.
Perhaps Phulabhai hit the nail on the head. It does appear that the Assembly poll is just that.
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anissacoms101-blog · 8 years ago
Speech Round #2 Reflection
Speech #1-How To Speech
Feedback: the step by step process was easy to follow; organized structure; citation of sources was well done; explained the steps needed to juggle, but then also added a source to justify the step; the pitch was one-node; spoke a little fast, but interest in juggling made up for it; good credibility (walked audience through my relationship with the topic); strong and clear thesis (identified what I was going to talk about); research was embedded nicely; talk slower (this will help add pitch)
Reflection: I thought my how-to speech was one of the best speeches that I have given so far. Even though I struggled with accomplishing all of my goals, I still think I made some notable progress. For example, in my how-to speech, I feel as if I had more confidence than in my other speeches. I’ll admit I was a little nervous before I gave this speech. However, unlike my other speeches, I wasn’t nervous about presenting the actual speech. I was simply afraid that I was going to drop one of the balls when I was juggling in front of the class. So, in order to counteract these nerves, I practiced my speech several times and even performed it in front of my friends. Also, I practiced my juggling a lot the week before my speech, so that I would feel confident doing it in front of the class. Even though I ended up dropping the ball when I was juggling, I still believe that all that practicing helped calm my nerves. This is because when I went up to present I was only a little nervous. Plus, once I started my speech, I actually started to have fun and was not even scared anymore. My little slip up added some humor to my speech and I think I was able to play it off relatively cool. I was really afraid that it would damage my credibility; however, my speech was still able to flow smoothly. Though I made some improvements in increasing my confidence level, I did not learn how to effectively slow down my pace. In this speech, I noticed that I was really passionate about my topic. So, when I got excited, I would start to talk a little faster. The techniques I have been using to slow down my pace have not been working as well as I had hoped. So, in the next speech round, I think I am going to try and practice my speeches a lot slower than I normally talk. So, when I get nervous or excited during my speeches and start to talk faster, it would essentially level out to a normal speaking pace. 
Speech #2-Informative Speech
Feedback: strong structure (clear on points I was going to talk about); slides were intriguing, but add actual data (like graphs, charts, etc.); define some of the terms more; relate the topic to yourself; benefits and dangers of lucid dreaming were interesting to listen to; slow down a little bit more and it will help with nervousness; kept audience engaged with your tone; came back from the mess up in the beginning; intro could have been enhanced by relating it to the audience and myself; clear purpose and thesis; beautiful and fluid transitions; great conclusion to wrap things up; research was well done; sometimes pace was fast, but at other points it was good; make sure to control gestures and only use meaningful gestures
Reflection: So far, I feel as if I have been making a lot of progress towards achieving my goals with every new speech. However, after my informative speech, I feel as if I took a step back. For some reason, my confidence was essentially gone when I gave my informative speech. When I went up in front of the class, I froze and could barely get a sentence out of me. This was so embarrassing and weird because it has never happened to me before. I mean, sometimes I stutter on my words or lose my train of thought, but, it has never been this bad. Because of this mess up in the beginning of my speech, I lost all of my confidence. Though I was able to take a deep breath and finish my speech, I did not feel confident when performing it to the class. I am not sure why I froze and why my confidence level dropped so drastically. I practiced my speech several times the night before and felt as if I knew what I were saying. But, that night, I did not rehearse my speech in front of my friends, like I normally do. So, maybe that caused me to be unsure about my material and made me more nervous. Also, I think losing my confidence forced me to rush through my speech and talk too fast for my audience. Additionally, because I was so frightened in front of the class, I tended to look down at my speech outline more frequently. Overall, freezing up during my speech made it harder for me to accomplish all of my goals. However, I am not going to let that stop me from achieving them. I am simply going to work harder on my next speech. For my persuasive speech, I am going to try and start outlining it several days before my actual presentation day. This way I will have more time to practice it and perform it for others. Also, I am going to try and make my outlines less wordy. This way I won’t be so dependent on them. 
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